Tuesday, August 02, 2005


So, I was originally worried to meet my friend Momo at Umeda station today. Umeda is the largest train station in Osaka, second in Japan only to Shinjuku. Believe me, it`s easy to get lost there. I`ve kinda got lost before. Kudos to me, I actually was able to navigate the trains by myself and didn`t get too screwed up. (I`m glad I know enough Japanese to ask where the hell things are located. Mighty useful. Whew!)

I finally bought an alarm clock. I was looking for a digital LED screen one, right? Seems easy enough. When I looked with my sensei a few days ago, the only like that cost about $50! Fuckin` A. Crazy. So, I bought a digital alarm clock today, but it only lights up if you press a button. The bargain price of about $20....I told Momo that they give this shit away in the U.S. I have about 5 at home. Why are they so expensive? Also, most of them only run on batteries. So, hopefully the batteries won`t die the night before an important meeting.

Anyway, the internet cafe time is out.


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