Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Homework for Teacher

Yeah. I should be working on my Halloween lesson plan. The problem isn’t a lack of ideas, it’s mostly just resources may be difficult. For example, I might show the kiddies a clip from “The Simpson’s: Treehouse of Horror” (of course). But, my dvd’s are region 1 which is different than whatever it is here. Or pumpkin carving type activities may also be difficult. For example, have them draw on balloons (preferably orange) would be a good substitute. But, the balloons I’ve found aren’t straight up orange and the jumbo pack of 100 cost 1000 yen. That seems pricey for balloons (that I’d be paying for).

I know, this is my job. Think of what will make the kids learn about Western culture and English conversation. It’s actually a lot of fun. I do a lot of research on the internet. I learned about Guy Fawkes day in England. I had no idea that it even existed when I started. BTW if you research it, that’s where the word “guy” comes from. As in, “Who the hell is that guy?” There, now you learned something today.


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