Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Two Months

It’s already been two months since I came to Japan. It’s crazy how fast time moves here. Well, unless it’s between the hours of 4 am and 6:30 am, waiting for the first train. Other than that, it goes fast.

The kids have tests this week, so I’ve been working on the tests and trying to plan upcoming lessons. Can you imagine having a three-day weekend and then having to test the week after? Shitty. The exchange student doesn’t have to take any of the tests because he already graduated from high school in AU. So, he has the next two weeks off. Lucky.

I still have to go to school even if there isn’t class. It’s only fair to the other teachers. I’ll probably just study Japanese because I really need to. I study usually every other day, but it’s really tough with only my own volition and no text to speak of. I’m waiting for my texts from when I actually took Japanese to arrive soon. Review. It’s good. The grammar is far too different to not study it. Otherwise, I’ll be napping on the leather chairs like all of the other teachers. Or in the library. On the tatami mats.

Currently, I’m in a food coma. I was too busy today to eat lunch and after skipping breakfast, I ate a lot at dinner. Umm, greasy fried Japanese food. And a beer. I’m almost passed out now and it’s only 9:30.

So, off to stare at the tv for a bit. G’nite.


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