Thursday, August 11, 2005

66 Newbies

There are 66 new JET`s in Osaka-fu alone. Of those, 32 are from the U.S., 2 from Ireland (great people), 1 from South Africa, 3 from Australia, 1 from Holland, and the rest, who knows exactly? Of course, the U.S. is dominate. Figures. But I did just learn that Ireland only has like 4 million people anyway--total.

I don`t know a lot of the people, but I don`t think that I want to be friends with most of them. I did learn that several are closer to my age, but even that does not make me feel like a kindred spirit. One guy is 30 and his current girlfriend is his longest lasting relationship--4 1/2 months! I had a boyfriend longer than that in high school. Jesus! It`s a wierd gaizin world out here.

The entire Blow Bar (yes, the name of the bar is blow, I don`t know what it implies exactly) was filled with gaizin. There were maybe only 3 Japanese people in there, I bet they felt wierd. Anyway, lots of beer, lots of people. I did manage to get my ass on the train in time to get home and not wait until tomorrow. Whew! Navigating the trains drunk does really suck.

I saw a lot of people on the way home in kimono`s too. I really don`t know why. In general, a few people have been wearing them, but it seemed like a lot more than usual.


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