Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Exchange Student

Well, yesterday I finally met the infamous exchange student from Australia. And yesterday it was his 19th birthday. He`s the oldest student here and he`s actually in 1st year (10th grade). There`s a huge language barrier, so it only makes sense. He`s actually already graduated from high school in Australia, but again it`s a lot different here. In fact, I think he`s working on his college degree, but the Australian system is so much different than what I`m accustomed to that I`m not sure.

Anyway, as I was told by senior JET`s, use the exchange students to your advantage. They help bridge the gap between you and the other students. So, I think it`s a good opportunity for both of us.

He`s a nice guy, likes computers, which is sure to come in handy. (I hate computers and I need to learn how to burn dvd`s, so this will be very helpful.) I also get to sit in on his Japanese lesson if I have time. Score! It will be very helpful to study with someone else, I have a difficult time trying to focus otherwise.



Yes, it`s coming. I`m told that it`s worse than Katrina. But, it should only be rainy with (violent) winds. According to the forecast, it doesn`t look so bad, but I still have to be careful. That`s why today is the third day in a row that it`s raining.

Last night was actually nice. It`s usually hot and sticky when I sleep, at least enough to need a fan if not the ac. I left the sliding glass door open (with the screen of course) and actually needed a blanket to keep warm. Perfect sleeping weather....Ah, it was great until I had to get up for school.

That`s another thing I should mention. School here starts at 8:40 am. When I went to school, we started at 7:50. We had 7 periods, 4 before lunch, and lunch was around 11:30 or so. In Japan, there are 6 periods, 4 before lunch, and lunch starts at 12:35. I feel like LL Cool ____. "One o`clock!!!!!" It`s pretty late for lunch. When I was in school, I was hungry at 10. Anyway, 4th period is therefore going to be the most difficult for both me and the students. Ugg. (>_<")

The students also have class all 6 periods. Ie, no study hall. (Not that I ever took study hall. What a waste of time.) Also, the students stay in the same class all day, the teachers rotate. Apparently, there aren`t any electives.

That`s all for now. ((((((^_^;)


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