Friday, August 26, 2005


I`ve been trying to concentrate on actually writing my speech (in Japanese, well romanji) or making a lesson plan. First, being OCD, I`ve been cleaning my desk. My predecessor left a big stack of unorganized handouts (lessons) in the drawers. There`s also a strange, black, sticky substance under the back rack on my desk. Yummy!!

So, here I am, blogging away while at work. Well, it is lunch time. Lunch was much better today than yesterday`s slimey veggie bento. Today, there was fried food, everyone`s favorite. Well, at least the school lunch is cheap--390 yen.

Yesterday, I finally paid my rent. They don`t have checking accounts here. The banks close at 3 pm, so I had to leave work early in order to have a banker help me pay my rent. Essentially, you go to the ATM and say that you are doing a transfer (my landlady banks at the same bank as I do). Many buttons and steps later, your rent is transferred. I had to use cash to put into the ATM, so it was not a direct transfer. It also cost 315 yen because I still don`t have a cash card, only a crappy pass book. (Not exactly cutting edge technology in this case.)

I guess I`ve procrastinated enough. I should either continue to clean my desk or write my Nihongo speech.


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