Monday, August 15, 2005

Last Train

Well, the deal is that the last train runs at midnight every night. This means it`s pretty much all or nothing. I have to catch two trains home from the hottest hang out spots in Osaka. This means I`m leaving by 11:30 at the latest. Or I can go for broke and wait until 5 or 6 am. I mentioned this before, but it really puts a damper on the night unless you can survive that long in the clubs.

The good news is that pretty much every club serves food. I went to a club last night--pretty cheap, only 500 yen to get in and you get a drink--and they were frying up some pot-stickers. Last week, the club I went to was serving food too. Plus, I think most clubs are open until the trains start running again. I haven`t tested that one out, exactly.

So most people I know have been going for broke. I think most of them are probably 22 or 23, young-in`s. I did catch the FIRST train home last weekend, so I think I`m good like that for a little while. I hate being drunk and awake for the sunrise. That`s not a good feeling.

Navigating your way through the station can be extremely difficult. I only recently realized that in some cases you need to exit from a specific exit to get to another train line. So, if you take the wrong one, you need to explain that you went the wrong direction, and go back to the platform and out the other end. I`ve done this several times. Now, I read pretty carefully which exit I need. Before, I just had no clue that it mattered. And I haven`t lived here long enough just to go for it without looking.


At 9:37 PM, Blogger Felipe said...

Come on you can't party till dawn anymore?

And you call yourself a Montanan, sheez.

At 11:59 AM, Blogger Bex said...

As it turns out, the clubs stay open until the first train. Plus, a lot of people just kindof pass out in the club until then. Next time, I`ll know.


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