Saturday, September 03, 2005

Friday Afternoon

Yes, I`m definately in school again. It`s almost 3 pm on a Friday afternoon and I`m itching to get outta here. But, I need to be here until at least 4:30, it`s that whole pretending to work deal. Everyone else actually is busy with next weekend`s school festival. Yep, I have to be here on a Saturday and Sunday. At least I get the following Monday and Tuesday off.

Anyway, I`m not sure what`s cooking for tonight. It`s the first Friday of the month, so I think that movies are cheaper, but I don`t think that`s happening tonight. Usually, movies cost 1800 yen and tonight it should be 1000 yen. Every Wednesday is "ladies night" and is also cheaper for women. So, I probably won`t go to the movies for awhile because it`s too difficult to try to contact a group of people and figure everything out via e-mail.

On the other hand, it`s really cheap to rent dvd`s. I just (finally) watched "Supersize me" last night. It was because at work, we were discussing the differences in fastfood here and the U.S. For example, at KFC, there is always a statue of the Col. to welcome you into his store. I`ve never seen one in the states. I thought I had better watch the movie to better understand the deal-o. Maybe it`s just because I really don`t eat a lot of fastfood anyway, so the film just re-enforced what I already know--just don`t eat Maku-Doo (McDonald`s). Not that I have for four years, but never-the-less....

....But I digress....

Friday. It`s been a long week. I`m still tired from last weekend for gawd`s sake. I told all those 22 and 23 year olds that life starts going down hill after 23 and they believed me. So young and naive... Ha! I know now that it`s more like 28. My body isn`t as broken as it was last weekend, but most likely that will be remedied tonight. We`ll see what trouble lies ahead. Or maybe, everyone is tired like me. Ah, to be young again!


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