Friday, September 02, 2005


Yep, I did it. My first lessons were yesterday, third year students (12th grade in the U.S.). Two classes yesterday and two today of 1st year students (10 grade). Pretty much all four classes were genki (energetic). A couple of cheeky boys in pretty much all of the classes, but I don`t mind because that`s kind of how I am.

The most cheeky of the students also seemed to be the best at English. As a whole, they`re not great at English, but they try, well mostly. I actually think the outspoken ones are pretty funny. We`ll see if I continue to feel that way.

I have to say that learning their names is going to be an absolute bitch. They all have black hair (they`re not allowed to bleach or color it), mostly wear uniforms, and more or less look very similiar. At least enough to not remember people specifically. Japanese people are pretty homogenous overall. Also, there are about 40 kids per class. Multiply that by, I think, 19 classes. Plus, I`m really because I am really bad at remembering Japanese names. Yes, I have them make name cards. I even have individual photos of a lot of them with their names in Romanji, but it only sort of helps.

Anyways, I`m having a lot of fun. The kids love to yell out my name, although I was getting called "Helen" a lot today because she was the JET here before me. (Interesting, she was half Chinese and half British, so it`s not as though we look anything alike.)

I`m glad that the students are so friendly and easy-going.


At 2:42 PM, Blogger Bex said...

Believe me, all gaijin do look alike too. I can`t tell us apart either. ;) Actually, what`s funny is that my sister lived in Fiji and they told everyone apart by their teeth.


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