Monday, April 10, 2006


One of my sensei's asked me today what being an American means. I didn't, and still don't, have an answer for that. I guess ever since I've been here, I've thoroughly contemplated said question. I realize all too well how "American" I truly am. So, what does it mean?

I always hated it when people said that America is the country with the most freedom. Is it really? How do you define freedom? You can't drink alcohol on the streets--you can here. You can't smoke dope, shoot heroin, or snort coke--can't you in the Netherlands? No swearing on the radio--what was that 1st amendment again? Then there's the Patriot Act. How frickin' patriotic. Yeah, as I will continue to point out "Freedom defined is freedom denied."

So, is being free only something Americans experience? I don't think so. Being American doesn't mean that you were born in America or that you are genetically from a certain group of people. Not like being Japanese. You must be GENETICALLY Japanese--5th generation Koreans will never be "Japanese," although there are Japanese citizens that aren't Japanese (haven't completely figured out what that really means). Hell, you don't even have to speak English.

Bottom line, I have NO IDEA what the definition of being American is. NONE. Anybody can be American.


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