Thursday, February 02, 2006


I am getting over this illness. I feel better, haven`t been coughing as much, and mostly only have a sore throat. Mostly. Perhaps I am on the road to recovery. Not out of the woods yet, but perhaps I will be shortly.

As such, I`ve been more 元気 lately which is awesome. I`ve been able to ぎゅうぎゅう some 日本語 into my head. I have a long ways to go if I want to take 2 kyuu this December. (It`s the 2nd highest level proficiency exam in Japanese and you need to know roughly 1000 kanji and an ass-load of grammar.) Otherwise, I guess I`ll take 3 kyuu (not as high of a level)....I was going over previous tests for 3 kyuu and it was brutual. I wasn`t doing very well, but it still is great to know what I don`t know. (There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. --Donald Rumsfeld)

I keep praying that SMAP will help my Japanese. I love those guys. In fact, I was dreaming that I was talking to Masahiro. HAHAHAHAHA. I didn`t even think that I was watching that much J-tv (and I don`t compared to my friends). I though I had been watching too much "24" lately, but that`s only because it`s been like a fuckin` marathon at my アパアト.

We`ll see how much cramming I can do today. Yesterday, I crammed a lot of the day. So, I need to review and cram some more. I`m feeling better, so it`s possible, but I don`t want to go overboard either.


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