Sunday, February 12, 2006

J Pop

Yeah, it's addictive. I still can only sing along to the English lyrics, but it's a start. At karaoke, I can sometimes sing along if the song is slow enough. In other words, if the lyrics appear on screen slowly enough for me to follow along. I don't have anything memorized yet, but soon enough I just might. Keep in mind that I'm terrible at remembering lyrics in English, so imagine me trying to do it in Japanese. HAHAHA. I feel bad for my friends that take me to karaoke.

Currently, just watching J tv and trying to catch up on who's who in the music world here. I'm really clueless. So, we'll see how much j pop culture I can remember. I'm not good at this in English either. I never know who is who in movies, never remember lyrics, song names, artist names, and so forth. You get the drift. Same with sports. In fact, a student told me who was in this year's Super Bowl. I didn't even know....And he was disappointed when I told him that I really don't like (American) football that much. (His favorite team is the Kansas City Chiefs. I really can't figure that one out.)

Back to my regularly scheduled J pop.


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