Sunday, June 04, 2006

11 years and counting...

It was 11 years ago today that I graduated from high school. Yeah, I feel old. It probably doesn't help that I'm teaching high school kids. I realize that I'm almost twice their age....Oi vay. The good news is that I remember some of my high school graduation, well before and after more than during the actual ceremony.

It was a beautiful morning. I slept at my best friends house the night before. I had to be let into her house at like 3 am when I was drunk off my ass on JD. Yeah, why wasn't she drunk with me? I'm not really sure. I woke up to her saying "You smell like whiskey and cigarettes." Nice. I managed to write some crap on my grad cap which I got a lot of shit for from my other classmates. They didn't understand 'cause they're stupid fuckers. Anyways, I made it. Not hung over. Listening to my headphones. I don't remember really much more except some photos afterwards. I hate ceremonies. Pretty much of every kind. So, why would I remember my graduation? I've been to so many that they're not memorable.

It seems like a million years ago. At least 4 lifetimes ago. I don't really feel like that butterfly collar wearing punk any more. Well, mostly.

So, why I am bothering to think about this event? I guess maybe because you never know where life will take you. I never expected to live in Japan. And when I was 8 years old, I thought I'd die of heart attack at 35 from working too much. Maybe that's why I have such a slacker job now...(+_<)

I'm gonna see what life still has in store for me. I get sick of the mundane. It's, mundane. Yeah, I just need to get the balls, motivation, or something and get off my ass and start living life. がんばります!


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