Monday, May 15, 2006

Face plant, again?

I`m so fuckin` tired. No particular reason. I feel like I`m gonna do a face plant, so I thought writing my give some sort of electric kick start to my dead brain. The battery`s worn down. Even my horoscope said that I`ll be in a semi-fog today. Totally am. Totally, dude.

Funny story, well to me at any rate: one of my students said that his birthday is today. Then, he held out his hands and asked for a birthday present--so un-Japanese of him. And I was like, "I don`t have anything" and then I remembered I had some left over balloons. So, I gave him two. I guess today`s his 17th birthday. (Doesn`t that seem like a million years ago to you? Gawd, I`m so frickin` old.) He thought that was pretty cool. Funny. So, his buddy said that it`s his birthday too. I told him, in Japanese, that I didn`t believe him. Good try though.

Later, those two were working together and the birthday boy is a self-proclaimed "funky boy." I have to admit his glasses are pretty funky, in a cool way. Where the hell did he learn funky? The birthday boy said his buddy (a trouble maker by the way) is a "trouble person" in Japanese. I didn`t know if that meant someone who is in trouble, troubled, or a trouble maker. So, I asked in Japanese, "Is that the same thing as a brat?" HAHAHA. As it turns out--which I did know--the trouble maker`s last name sounds very similar to "brat" in Japanese. Good times. I told him he really is a brat. I mean it too, but not in a bad way.

Oh my gawd. Everyday these kids say the damnest things to me. Now, back to face planting until I can pass out on the bus ride home.


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