Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Fried Dinner

I have to say that there is nothing like all-you-can-eat fried dinner. I did it two Saturdays in a row. I think I could die any second now.

It costs about $25 or ($35 for all-you-can-drink alcohol if you`d like) for 1 1/2 hours. You saddle up next to the mini-fridge full of skewered items. Hot dogs, sausages, daikon, potatoes, fish, shrimp, cheese, azuki filled desserts, jalapenos, okra, chicken, bacon (how could I forget?), beef, and I can`t remember what else. Grab as much as you can. Batter it. Dip it in the crumbs. Then proceed to stick it into the vat of oil that`s at your table. Self-serve fried dinner. I felt my arteries restrict after that 1st 10,000 calorie meal.

But, to go to the same restaurant 2 weeks in a row? That`s a form of suicide, I think. Honestly, it wasn`t my idea to go the 2nd time. But, in each case, it was one of the last times I would see 2 different friends and they each wanted to go to that same place.

Of course, I had to top it off with ice cream. All right, I didn`t have ice cream this last time. But one of my friends had 3 ice cream cones and I figured that made up for my deficit.


At 12:39 PM, Blogger hereNT said...

Deep fried ice cream?

At 12:49 PM, Blogger Bex said...

Thought about it. I`ve had it before, but I think that the ice cream needs to be frozen really, really solid. Check with Chef on that one.


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