Friday, January 27, 2006

Hack, Hack, Hack

Yeah, well, I hope that I`m through hacking. I`m getting better, but seeing as how it`s Friday and I almost passed out about a million times and still don`t feel great, I probably won`t be doing anything exciting tonight. Well, I`m kind of broke anyways, so fuck it.

I`ve been working on my "projects" as such anyways. Slowly chipping away at the language in particular. I need some new tunes too, I`m sick of what I have on the Mac. (Especially the 80`s bullshit and most of the スパン語 stuff...がんまんできあないで!!!!) We`ll see what I can dig out of my partially medicated brain in terms of what sounds good. The second I sit down to find "new" music, I forget what music seems like it would be cool. Sounds like alzheimers has set in early.

Probably shouldn`t mention this, but I don`t care.... I was at the bar the other night with some other ALT`s that I don`t usually hang out with, 2 first years and 1 second year. I asked the first years if they were home sick (they seemed like it) and they were. They asked me.... My response was "Fuck `em." For those who truly know me, you won`t be offended. `Cause you know who comes first in my life.... (Mom, thanks for teaching me that important lesson in life. You`re the best.) Anyway, NO, I don`t really miss "home" where ever that is.

So, shout-outs go to my fam-damily. Whoever the fuck that might be.

Do I sound angry? Have I used the word "fuck" too much? Are you offended? Maybe you don`t know me as well as you think you do. (^_-) And if you think you know me, you probably don`t....

"Meanwhile," I am pondering my weekend options. It`s not looking good with this cough and lack of funds. (BTW You are always welcome to donate to my favorite charity--Beckie. Thank you for your continued efforts.) Either I need to get creative or be boring. I probably do not currently have the mental capcity to organize and sort the necessary data to be creative. Perhaps I should make an effort and start mailing my friends to see what the score is. Perhaps...


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