Thursday, January 12, 2006

Pondering Life While Eating (Strawberry) Pocky

Yeah, I`m in the office trying to cram as much Japanese into my brain as possible. I think I got a flat while doing so. Maybe I have a spare somewhere. Between just learning regular words that I don`t know (really things I should know), grammar, idioms, kanji, and Kansai-ben, it`s getting pretty crowded in my head for more Japanese. I think it`s slowly replacing English...sort of.

So, a Pocky break was certainly in order. With all of the craziness that`s continually happening to me, or rather self-created drama, it`s good just to sit back and relax every now and then. (And by self-created that doesn`t mean that some of you didn`t contribute to it BTW.)

While I`m going crazy cramming, I`m starting to feel slightly more comfortable speaking Japanese. I`m starting to understand more bit by bit. I can`t have deep, philosophical conversations yet; however, I doubt that I could in English either. Overall, I don`t give a crap about most of that anyways. Except knowing that some of you are going to hell when you die (^_-) Haha. (I don`t believe in hell. But I might be going there just for fun anyway.)

Seriously though, I`m trying to keep abreast of this beast known as Japanese (well, to you that`s what it`s called). がんばります!!! I can communicate on a very basic level, so that`s saying something. I guess I just always thought that my progress would be much faster than it is. So, I`m frustrated with myself. まあしゃない....


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