Monday, January 09, 2006

Potato flavored Fries

Yeah, when I was eating burgers at this J-hamburger joint, I had cheese fries and a couple of other people got BBQ, and then there was the "potato" flavor. Hmmm. Not sure what's up with that. Go figure, French fries that taste like potatoes.

The fun part about sitting outside and eating our strange burgers (mine was a bacon, cheese, egg burger), was the people watching. Sorry no pic's. But today is "Coming of Age" Day, a holiday for us (^O^)/ but everyone who turned 20 in the past 12 months dresses in kimonos and parades around. I'm not sure what else happens. There were these 3 guys with orange hair, one had partial corn rows on the side (looked like bad 80's punk rock) and all were wearing their male kimonos. Very weird. One girl looked like a transvestite due to bad makeup.

Anyway, trying to finish my lesson for tomorrow which unfortunately is taking way too much reconnaissance time on the internet. Meanwhile, watching 24 and SMAP x SMAP. Gotta love those "boys." (SMAP is a boy band with their own variety show--I missed a couple of weeks ago with Madonna--except they're all like 34. Not so boyish really.)

I've been busy screwing off, avoiding studying, and hoping that I don't keep killing my back. Don't be Dad Jr. That's what I tell myself. I'd would've done even more screwing off except I'm broke. Probably from doing nothing. That's the good and bad thing about vacation, don't get anything accomplished.

But, tomorrow is work. I have 3 classes and no lesson completed--yet. がんばります


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