Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Sitting on My Ass

Yep, I`m an expert at it, good at looking busy, and now experienced at sleeping in an upright position either sitting or standing. These are all the skills I have been honing for a long time now. I`m drinking a mocha (instant coffee and coco), keeping in close range of the stove, and dreaming up a xmas lesson for the kids. Hmmm. BTW In Japan, xmas is couple`s day. I don`t know why, but most Japanese people have dates for xmas. It`s a little strange to me.

For some reason, I`ve been pretty cold lately. I sat in front of the space heater on my new (soft and pretty too!) kotatsu rug for like 8 hours. I ditched work early yesterday, went out for Indian curry with a friend, and then just sat glued to the tv or computer screen. I`m starting to learn a lil about J-tv and what the shows are called. I`ll fill you in on some good ones later.

It`s raining and I`m hoping for something to brighten my day. I should be studying Japanese, but I`m not motivated at all. Hmm. Maybe the mocha will help. Or the fact that I`m stuck here until my sensei will record the listening portion of the test with me. It`ll only take about 5 minutes, but I have to wait.....And I already had it recorded, but they weren`t happy with it entirely. Long story. Damn him and his stupid rules. At least, I got outta bed to at least make it to school today. Otherwise, I would have only left my bed for the space heater. Hehe.

Shit. It`s only 10:30 and I`ve only been here for an hour. That`s not good. Gonna be a long, cold, rainy day.


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