Thursday, December 08, 2005

Happy Birthday--to me!

Yeah, gawd I`m getting old. It`s sad when you realize that you`re about twice as old as a lot of the students. Ugg. Oh well.

I`ve been recieving e-mails all morning--thank you!!!! Also, a (female) gym teacher bought me a small bouquet of beautiful flowers. That`s so nice of her. We don`t even share the same office. I was shocked. She heard it was my birthday and went to some store to buy them. I think that she even arranged them, if I understood her Japanese correctly.

And here I sit. I noticed a lot of the other English teachers aren`t even here today, so I`ll probably leave soon too. I do plan on coming tomorrow and finishing that damn xmas lesson, plus I`d feel guilty if I didn`t come in. (Even though I think it`s okay if I just don`t even show up.) Oh, yeah, I have a few tests to correct too. Goddamn it. I actually have work?! What is this place, anyway?

So, we`ll see where the rest of the day takes me. Maybe to the mall. Or I might save that for tomorrow when I leave early from that.

Until then....I plan on having a good birthday!


At 5:03 AM, Blogger Jill Homer said...

I just stopped by, and this is late now ... but Happy Birthday!


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