Friday, November 18, 2005

4 Distinct Seasons

I know, what the hell am I doing at home on a Friday night? Whew, it was a long week. Not bad though, I guess it was longer than normal because it's cold and I'm finally adjusting to it a bit. Everyday it seems like when I wake up, it's a degree (Celsius) colder than the morning before. I hope that this isn't a continuing trend. I sort of winterized tonight. Really, all this means (since I already busted out the kotatsu) is I got out the space heaters.

I was glad to find the "family size" instant hot cocoa at a nearby foreign food market, well, mini-market. It's not the "Costco" sized one that I usually buy, but it's just me anyway. I actually brought it to work to share and have with my coffee. It's even the marshmallow lover's variety. Yummy!

It's movie time. Junk food night. Ice cream and Pringles, can't beat that!

I'm actually thinking about xmas presents. It's probably because everywhere I frickin' go, there's xmas lights and music. I've also been seeing a crapload of card, stockings, and some ornaments. Yeah, I'm starting to love Kitty-chan (that's Hello Kitty to you)....I know, you're disappointed in me, but she's pretty damn cute. I've contemplated buying a Snoopy ornament for the woman who sits next to me at work, she loves Snoopy.

Anyway, I guess not a lot to report currently. But, I am alive and not suffering from the cold too much. Huh, maybe I should actually turn on the kotatsu or a heater..... What do ya think?


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