Sunday, November 13, 2005

Oddly Productive

Yeah, it's Sunday night. Usually, I'm watching the Sunday night movie that's on, but it's not on. So, I'm kind of pissed, but what can you do? (Sha nai yo!) Hence, I have been doing some of my homework. (Can't you see, I'm working hard, dammit!) Anyway, we can take free correspondence Japanese classes and it's for 6 months a year. You get a book every month and the test is due at the end of each month (except December 'cause of xmas).

So, I'm almost done with Book 1 of the Intermediate level. It's not too bad overall, except this month was only on giving and receiving because the grammar is difficult. It's really only a matter of memorization, but I never had it down before, so it was more difficult than what it should've been. (Next month, Book 2, is a bunch of junk that I don't care about. Speaking extremely politely. In most cases, using this form of Japanese makes people extremely uncomfortable.)

Slowly, I am working my way into the language. The more I know, the easier new words and grammar becomes for me. It's like a puzzle coming together in my mind. I've been slacking on the kanji though. It's not that I don't like it, but I've been behind on my other studies because I had that cold for a few days.

Some of you have asked if I've been dreaming in Japanese. In fact, last night, some of my dream was in Japanese, but only really basic crap. Nothing special. Oh, and, I have the worst American accent ever. I'm too busy thinking of the words to think of my accent still. Working on it.

I better start a-cracking again.


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