Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Only 30 Shopping Days...Until....

My birthday. As my brother always said about his birthday, if you save $10 every day, you can buy me something decent. (^_-) An Amazon gift certificate is easy enough...you don't have to ship anything! Isn't that great?! Just a suggestion.

Anyway, I'm feeling better, in case you cared. I was feeling pretty icky this morning, but I think my cold is almost gone. I'm kicking it with a nice cuppa green tea. Yummy! I should be studying, but I'm not super motivated at this point to try to cram any more into my head than what I've been doing. I don't have any particular focus, but my "method" seems to be working. Every day, I pick up new stuff. I think maybe watching J-tv helps too. Most people speak to me in English because, well, I'm the English teacher. I talk to some students, but in a mixture of English and Japanese. I can't always tell them in Japanese if they don't understand my English. But, I try and they love that.

I just started calligraphy now that I was finally told when and where. I suck. But, I get some great kanji practice and the students like that I'm interested in Japanese culture. This week, there were students in the art room making their own hanko's (name stamp). It was really cool. They were carving the kanji out and then using a type of red, thick ink that I've never seen before. I was impressed. But, I'm always impressed at the kids. They blow me away. They're really smart, talented, and work really hard. It's inspiring. It makes me try harder too.

Better get back to work.....


At 12:55 AM, Blogger Felipe said...

FYI Amazon in Japan doesn't have nearly as much fun stuff as it's American counterpart. So if you are looking for some kick ass electronic goodies, you would have to get them shipped to a state side address first.


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