Saturday, November 26, 2005

Gobble Gobble!

Yeah, so perhaps you're wondering what the hell I did for Thanksgiving. Well, I can tell you that I definitely did NOT eat turkey. I guess that there was that turkey option at a bar at near this weird station, but I didn't feel the need to go there. Especially since it's the stop where my stalker lives. (Long story.) So, I just didn't bother.

I ended up eating at our favorite okonomikaki restaurant eating of course okonomiyaki and yaki soba. Um-um. Yummy. Not exactly the most traditional Thanksgiving, but I stuffed myself in true American fashion. In fact, one Thanksgiving, we made duck and sushi....Those were the days, choosing sushi over turkey. Haha. I still do--take that America! I ate sushi for dinner tonight in fact. And, again, had the chance to eat turkey last night. Whatever. I just wished that we didn't have to work. Food is food. I'll eat almost anything. Almost.

We had Wednesday off which I spent sleeping at bunraku (Japanese puppet theater). Oops. I felt bad about that. Anyway, we had mandatory meetings Thursday (Thanksgiving) and today. Afterwards, many people went to the Hard Rock Cafe, which I did after dinner (cause it sucked so bad last time). I had one 1/2 priced drink which basically made it regular priced and went bowling. Yes, bowling.

The bowling was fun. I only bowled two games, and scored over 100 on the second one, so not bad. Just not great. It was expensive too. It was 1500 yen for the two games and shoes. No beer either. Wasn't the same. But, it seemed like the states in that there were hochie mamas present, yet on the other hand, the group next to us was salary men (wearing ties still) and their girlfriends. (Yeah, I think they were mistresses, not wives.) A few times, the lights went down, the black lights by the pins lit up, and the music got crazy. I guess if you get a strike during this time, I saw people get fake Hawaiian leighs and then they're photos taken (the winners) wearing bowling pin costumes. Weird. I don't know if you actually win anything of not. It was weird.

Okay, that's it. I'm about to pass out. Too much been going on lately. Happy Belated Turkey Day!


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